Our reader Kedar Chinchanikar said...
For all our problems we are cursing the local representatives, corporators and politicians. But we must not forget how good we are with ourselves when it comes to obey the disciplines. Breaking the law has become almost everybody's fancy including me. The status of discipline be it traffic rules, cleanliness, humanity is so pathetic that in most of the circumstances we are all either forced or tempted to violate the same. But is it all the fault of law enforcement agencies? Who is thinking about the volume of population increasing day by day. Let me state that pune has not at all grown but it has just increased in all ways. Growth comes hand in hand and proportionate population.Are we really ready to handle this population? There is not a single problem in entire India which not directly or indirectly related to population.We have live example of what happened to Bangalore which was once a beautiful and neatly managed city. We are in Pune following the same path.The facilities, infrastructure will collapse one day and it will be end of the day. Development wise we are catering to the requirement that was valid 5 years back. The backlog is pilling up, politicians have no time to notice, bureaucrats enjoying the helpless situation. Public, janta is sandwitched between their own helplessness and desire.If we are really interested in better Pune, control on incoming population is must. Otherwise 2/3 years down the line it will be an end of the road.
What do you think?
Picture Courtesy:Hinduonnet.com
I agree with u Mr Kedar fully on your words concerning Pune what all is going on is the people have become disgusted, with the scenerio in general and so this is the case u have higlighted is true. Indians basically have a laid back attitude this is b'coz we have been handed over our freedom on a platter and given independence and secondly we r not given education, those who have got do not bother to do anything about their cities instead they leave their country and settle aboard, it is been proven frm ages that lokshakti is the one, proves freedom it is b'coz of people's apathy that the politicians have become arrogant. People should act now.
The term 'Leader' is defined as a person who walks in front of the masses, leads them and show correct path. We lack leadership qualities. Those in politics have taken it as an earning profession. Those who left this country for better life and higher earnings do care for Bharat and have desire to help. What is needed is not to blame any one. Find a way and show to others. There may not be response at all for a long time. However, one need not get discouraged. Keep trying like Mahatma Gandhi did.
Politicians are not coming out with time bound programme and strong will to implement it. Most of them are interested in lipstick-powder treatment. Whatever they do to roads is highly unprofessional treatment and they are not worried what would happen next year. By that time they would be elected for 5 year term.
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